07 Oct Reply
Consortium Name:Reply for Innovative SCenario in Emergency Development
Company Name: Xenia Reply S.r.l.
Country: Italy
Reply for Innovative SCenario in Emergency Development – Design and build an MCI management solution, integrated with external EHR systems to speed up and outperform the continuous handover process of data collection and sharing required from the beginning of the triage process until the hospitalization of the casualties. In order to support the different actors of this process the platform will include the digitalization of procedures and algorithms alreadyin use in MCI management enhanced by a decision support system and by the exploitation of AI/ML modules. The solution will include a “Digital Triage Tag” composed by a smartphone and wearable devices to enable the collection of vital parameters in real-time to build the profile of the casualties and inform their state of severity along the process. The solution is built to support different types of roles and stakeholders of the system and it’s designed to ensure a high level of configurability for each profile. The architecture proposed aims to build a resilient, performing, safe and interoperable platform and will be deployable in a hybrid, cloud-based or on-premises environments, so that it can be easily replicable across different geographic regions.