Project Background

Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in Europe are characterised by a heterogeneous landscape with diverse organisational setups, technology standards, coordination mechanisms and actors. This is the result of different historical and institutional contexts. However, these EMS are united by the common aim of providing timely care to casualties of sudden and life-threatening emergencies or disasters in cross-border settings and international humanitarian missions. Fostering the response capacities and increasing the cooperation of the Emergency Medical Services Systems (EMSS) is of decisive importance for strengthening the resilience of European societies.

During the prior iProcureSecurity (CSA) project, a large number of EMS were involved to identify, evaluate and prioritise future challenges and needs. The creation of an interoperable, flexible triage management system supported by modern technologies was among the most requested solutions in the context of security-related scenarios.

This iProcureSecurity PCP action is a result of those intense participatory processes. The action will lead to an innovative triage management system that supports the EMS on the field in the management of the Mass Casualty Incidents (MCIs). The envisaged solution will be extremely flexible and interoperable, in order to adapt to the different procurers’ needs.
Overall, the iProcureSecurity PCP Solution aims to: (a) Fully digitalise the triage management operations on the field, and provide guidance and support to the EMS practitioners; (b) Facilitate the communication and the information sharing among EMS on the field and external stakeholders. (c) Facilitate the decision-making process of the actors involved, by proving them with key information in real time, as well as with alerting and notification systems.

Following the EC Guidelines on Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP), through a competitive series of design, prototype and pilot steps, the iProcureSecurity PCP will contract suppliers to deliver the creation and deployment of the envisaged triage management system.

Project Objectives

For the iProcureSecurity PCP procurers, the key common challenges which were identified and discussed during the iProcureSecurity CSA project can be summarised as follows:

Objective 1

Quick and accurate overview of casualties and their status.

Objective 2

Decision support for better allocation of available resources & quicker support for casualties.

Objective 3

Improved interoperability with other first responders and relevant actors.

Objective 4

Reduced handover times between ambulance transport and hospitals.

Objective 5

for quality assurance
and training measures.

The triage management system is the core component for digitalisation, as it has the vital role of receiving data from the involved endpoints (sensors, services, applications), complements it with contextual data and distributes it to downstream systems, while providing information to decision makers on- and off-site to support the management of the incident situation.

Project Facts

Duration: 09/2021 to 10/2024
Programme: Horizon 2020 / SU-GM02-2018-2020 / Pre-Commercial Procurement 
Reference: 101022061

Project Methodology

iProcureSecurity PCP follows the stages of the PCP process as set-out by the European Commission, i.e. work will be divided into four subsequent phases:

  • Phase 0: Preparation phase (8 months) and Call for Tenders (4 months)
  • Phase I: Concept design, solution architecture and technical specifications (4 months)
  • Phase II: Development of prototype systems in two iterations (8 months)
  • Phase III: Development and testing of pilot systems (8 months)

In parallel to these phases, separate work strands for co-design, evaluation & impact assessment, dissemination and project management will support the project objectives. 

Project Impacts

Improved Efficiency and Reliability of the Triage Process

The technical platforms established during the PCP will impact on the efficiency and reliability of the triage process by providing the technical means to document the outcome of the initial primary triage and additional triage steps, the treatment victims receive on site, up to the transportation to the hospital, to create a detailed, continuous digital triage documentation for every victim on site, without media-disruptions.

Improved Flexibilty and Scalability of Triage Processes

The digitalisation will have an impact on the adaptability and scalability of the triage process on site.

Improved Interoperability on a National and International Level

The semantic-, data- and technical interoperability of the involved components positively impacts the cooperation of organisations on site, as it supports the seamless cooperation between different EMS, LEAs, other relief organisations or (near-) governmental organisations involved in the resolution of the incident.

Consolidated European Market and Innovation Procurement

By establishing an accepted and practically applied interoperability concept, the industrial development of technologies can be aligned towards a common direction, as it provides a broad baseline for the development and integration of sensor technologies, devices, applications and services.

Availability of Accurate Data for Standardisation and R&D Initiatives

The data gathered in incident situations and exercises will span over the entire pre-hospital triage process, and as such include information on the initial triage classification, a continuous re-triage, the received treatment and related logistic activities. This way, an extensive repository of structured data is generated, which is beneficial for further research and development activities.

Highlighting the Benefits of Pre-Commercial Procurement

The advantage of the PCP is the articulation of a clear technological demand to fill these gaps from a buyers’ perspective, which provides industry companies, research institutes and SMEs a detailed insight into the challenges, requirements and operational routines to consider in their R&D and product development, but also to understand the size and potential of the business market they are addressing.


WP1 Project Management, Consortium Coordination, and Reporting

D1.1 Kick-off meeting report

D1.2 Data Management Plan

D1.3 Progress Report

D1.4 Final Project Documentaton

WP2 Specifications for Triage Management Systems for EMS

D2.1 Requirements for Triage Management Systems for Emergency Medical Services

D2.2 Use cases and process models for Triage Management Systems for Emergency Medical Services (v1)

D2.3 Final use cases and process models for Triage Management Systems for EMS

WP3 Pre-Commercial Procurement Preparation
WP4 Call for Tenders

D4.1 Call for Tenders results

WP5 PCP Phase I: Solution Design

D5.1 Phase I results 

WP6 PCP Phase II: Prototype Development

D6.1 Phase II results

WP7 PCP Phase III: Implementation and Operational Testing

D7.1 Phase III results

WP8 Evaluation and Impact Assessment

D8.1 Methods for prototype tests

D8.2 Evaluation framework for iProcureSecurity PCP

D8.3 Interim report on exploitation and procurement planning

D8.4 iProcureSecurity PCP exploitation and procurement plans

D8.5 iProcureSecurity PCP Pilot Outcomes

WP9 Communication, Dissemination, Tender Promotion, and Networking
WP10 Ethics requirements

D10.1 H - Requirement No. 1

D10.2 POPD - Requirement No. 2

D10.3 H - Requirement No. 4

D10.4 GEN - Requirement No. 5

D10.5 GEN - Requirement No. 6

D10.6 GEN - Requirement No. 7

D10.7 GEN - Requirement No. 8