iProcureSecurity PCP Call for Tenders invites all interested parties to present their offers for R&D services in the form of a solution that will provide Triage Management Systems which will strengthen the resilience and interoperability of European Emergency Medical Services (EMS). The procurement addresses the procurers unmet needs relating to different EMS-related aspects, such as: planning and decision making, resource allocation, improved triage practices, data transmission and interoperability, usability of EMS solutions, evaluation and sustainability, data security and protection in standard crisis management systems. iProcureSecurity PCP is a research & development (R&D) services procurement which is conducted through a Pre-Commercial-Procurement (PCP). This PCP procurement is a joint procurement by different procurers across Europe that are all facing the same common challenge and are thus looking for similar solutions (so-called ‘buyers group’).
The Call For Tender (Phase I) was open from the 15th of June 2022 until the 31st of August 2022.